Notes from the Artist:
Creating is something I do everyday. My hands have to be busy. I love to crochet, sew, play with beads, ribbons, wool, and paper. I’ve been focusing on creating pincushions for quite a while now. I make emery pincushions to keep pins sharp. They’re something that couldn’t be found in stores, so I started making them. I also make pincushion rings. These are super cute and handy. To keep things interesting, I’m always coming up with ideas for other things. I’m always planning the next project while working away on the current one. My latest “big idea” - vinyl jewelry. I’ve been enjoying coming up with designs using this unusual material. If only there were more hours in a day!
My Craft Space:
I have a sewing room in my basement. I love it! It’s a slightly disorganized haven of craft supplies. My husband would disagree with the “slightly” part. I do love to organize it. I find that it’s more enjoyable to work in an organized space. Someday, I’d love to really do it up with beautiful cabinets and counters. Until then though, it‘s a happy place that I‘m grateful to have.
This is a photo of a system that I created to keep my pincushion rings organized. At Christmas time, when things were busy, I had a hard time keeping track of them. They were all mixed together in a bin. It was difficult to tell which designs I was low on or out of. I tried to keep a list, but then I would forget to update it when one sold or I made a new one! Now, I can tell at a glance just how many I have of each design. Looking at that wall even makes me happy - a sure sign of a craft addict. :)
My etsy shop: http://dottyral.etsy.com
My blog: http://indiefindsonetsy.blogspot.com/